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Dr. Larson’s Fall 2016 Colloquium Remarks

September 1, 2016

Disruptive Change:  Forward Thinking for the 21st Century Colloquium Remarks – Fall Semester, 2016 Jon H. Larson, Ph.D. President Ocean County College “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” – Albert Einstein Good.......
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Dr. Larson’s August 2016 Report to the Board of Trustees

August 25, 2016

Fall 2016 Colloquium The theme of the Fall 2016 Colloquium on Thursday, September 1, 2016, will be “OCC’s Future:  Disruptive Change and Forward Thinking in the 21st Century.”  The day will begin with a continental breakfast at 8:00 a.m. and my State-of-the-College Address at 9:00 a.m. Five concurrent workshops will be scheduled in Bartlett Hall from 10:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and again from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  They include: I.    The Ocean Way presented by Dr. Toni Clay, Ms. Tracey.......
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Dr. Larson’s July 2016 Report to the Board of Trustees

July 27, 2016

Academic Affairs Conversations have continued between Dr. Lisa DiBisceglie, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs, and members of the New Jersey Institute of Technology administration.  OCC and NJIT should very soon be entering into a Joint Admissions Agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding that will include NJIT offering classes on the OCC campus starting in.......
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Dr. Larson’s June 2016 Report to the Board of Trustees

June 28, 2016

TO: Members, OCC Board of Trustees FROM: Jon H. Larson, Ph.D. President SUBJECT: Items of Interest for the June 28, 2016, Board Meeting DATE: June 23, 2016 Academic Affairs School of Arts and Humanities At the end of the spring semester, the Fine Arts faculty presented a student exhibit in the Grunin Center for the Arts that was judged by professional artist David Wallace.  Mr. Wallace is a collage.......
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Dr. Larson’s May 2016 Report to The Board of Trustees

May 23, 2016

49th Annual Commencement Week Activities Please join us for some or all of the annual commencement activities scheduled for next week: Tuesday, May 24 – Nursing Pinning Ceremony at 7:00 p.m. in the Theatre of the Jay and Linda Grunin Center for the Arts.  It is expected that 125 students will be pinned. Wednesday, May.......
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Dr. Larson’s April 2016 Report to The Board of Trustees

April 25, 2016

Phi Theta Kappa Tau Iota, OCC’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, received wonderful recognition at the Combined Regional and International Phi Theta Kappa Annual Convention held at the National Harbor, Maryland, outside of Washington, D.C., from Thursday, April 7, to Sunday, April 9, 2016.  Phi Theta Kappa is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious honor society.......
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Dr. Larson’s March 2016 Report to The Board of Trustees

March 28, 2016

Academic Affairs e-Learning and Learning Enterprises New Partnerships The e-Learning and Learning Enterprises area recently established a new partnership with Mission United, a subdivision of United Way.  Mission United is an organization supporting veterans and their families by helping them to re-acclimate to civilian life, supporting veteran empowerment, and promoting their self-sufficiency.  Its services are.......
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Dr. Larson’s February 2016 Report to The Board of Trustees

February 29, 2016

Ocean County College Nursing Program The School of Nursing and Health Sciences is very pleased to report that OCC’s Nursing Program is being recommended for reaccreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).  This recommendation is the result of a lengthy self-study process, a written report, and a site visit that took place.......
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Dr. Larson’s February 1, 2016 Report to The Board of Trustees

February 1, 2016

Commendations/Presentations Instead of a final examination at the end of the fall 2015 semester, Ms. Jennifer Evans, College Lecturer II in Hospitality, Recreation, and Tourism Management, assigned a special project to her students in HRTM 212, Conferences, Conventions, and Special Events.  The class was required to host a special event, assuming responsibility for every aspect.......
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Dr. Larson’s Spring 2016 Colloquium Remarks

January 22, 2016

““Where there is no vision, the people perish.” ” – Proverbs 29:18 Opening music:  Creedence Clearwater Revival – “Up Around the Bend” Everybody!  Put your hands together! Let’s get the juices flowing! All right!  Good morning Ocean County College! Welcome everyone to the Spring Semester, 2015! Our theme for today deals with creativity, vision, and.......
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