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Dr. Larson’s Colloquium Speech

January 21, 2016

THE END OF WORK Spring Semester, 2016 Ocean County College President, Dr. Jon H. Larson, Ph.D. “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble.  It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. –    Satchel Paige As you can see, Ocean County College’s visit to the Middle East and North Africa.......
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Dr. Larson’s December 2015 Report to The Board of Trustees

December 7, 2015

Commendations/ Presentations Dr. William Rickert, Professor of Mathematics, will attend Monday’s meeting to report on several very special events: Saturday, November 14, was a very good day for Ocean County College and the Ocean County chess community.  Grandmaster Irina Krush, a seven-time winner of the U.S. Women’s Chess Championship, visited Ocean County College to lecture.......
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Dr. Larson’s November 2015 Report to The Board of Trustees

November 2, 2015

Commendations Phi Beta Lambda- Eleven student members of OCC’s chapter of Phi Beta Lambda (Future Business Leaders of America) placed first or second at the New Jersey Leadership Conference, which qualified them to compete at the 2015 National Leadership Conference in Chicago from June 24 to 27. I am pleased to announce that four OCC.......
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Dr. Larson’s October 2015 Report to The Board of Trustees

October 5, 2015

Finance and Administration College Relations TV Studio – Ocean TV20 has secured partnerships with several local high schools.  OCC TV announcements distributed to high schools to date focus on information sessions, open houses, and degree program promotions, the first of which highlights the performing arts degree. The OCC TV Studio and Jackson Liberty High School.......
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Dr. Larson’s Fall 2015 Colloquium Speech

September 3, 2015

Ocean County College Colloquium Jon H. Larson, Ph.D., President September 3, 2015 Welcome to the Fall Semester, 2015, at the boldest, most innovative, most creative college in America! Our event today is being broadcast live to the Southern Education Center, so everyone in the audience please wave and shout out a hello to the folks.......
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Dr. Larson’s August 2015 Report to The Board of Trustees

August 24, 2015

TO: Members, OCC Board of Trustees FROM: Jon H. Larson, Ph.D. President SUBJECT: Items of Interest for the August 24, 2015, Board Meeting DATE: August 20, 2015 Fall 2015 Colloquium The Fall 2015 semester will begin with Colloquium on Thursday, September 3, in the Jay and Linda Grunin Center for the Arts.  The Colloquium theme.......
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Dr. Larson’s July 2015 Report to The Board of Trustees

July 27, 2015

Ain Shams University On Tuesday through Thursday, July 21-23, 2015, Dr. Hussein Mohammed Ahmed Eissa, President, and Dr. Sayed El-Sayed Elkouly, Chair of the Department of Management, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, visited with Ocean County College to discuss partnership opportunities.  On Tuesday, Dr. Eissa, Dr. El-Sayed, and OCC representatives visited with Dr. Dawood Farahi,.......
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Dr. Larson’s June 2015 Report to the Board of Trustees

June 22, 2015

TO: Members, OCC Board of Trustees FROM: Jon H. Larson, Ph.D. President SUBJECT: Items of Interest for the June 22, 2015, Board Meeting DATE: June 18, 2015 Athletics Ms. Ilene Cohen, Executive Director of Athletics and Judicial Affairs, and Mr. AJ Trump, Director of Athletics, will be at Monday’s meeting to provide a report on.......
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Dr. Larson’s May 2015 Report to the Board of Trustees

May 26, 2015

TO: Members, OCC Board of Trustees FROM: Jon H. Larson, Ph.D. President SUBJECT: Items of Interest for the May 26, 2015, Board Meeting DATE: May 20, 2015 Commendation In my report last month, I shared with you that Ms. Christine Kitchin, Associate Professor of Anthropology, has been selected as a recipient of the League for.......
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Dr. Larson’s April 2015 Report to the Board of Trustees

April 30, 2015

Commendations I am extremely pleased to share with you that Ms. Christine Kitchen, Associate Professor of Anthropology, School of Business, Social Science and Human Services, has been selected as a recipient of the League for Innovation in the Community College’s John and Suanne Roueche Excellence Award.  Professor Kitchen is one of only three faculty members.......
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