Female student in class smiling at the camera

Prepare for Classes

Know the College Catalog

Understand degree requirements, course information, and policies. Visit the College Catalog

Pick Up a Student Handbook

Learn about student services, clubs, and organizations.

Learn to use Ocean Connect

The college’s online portal to your student email, Ocean Connect, and announcements.

Get Your Student ID

Students can obtain an ID card at the Student Enrollment Building (Bldg 9). Please bring your current schedule or paid receipt and a picture ID; drivers license, passport, or County ID, etc.

Buy Your Books and OCC Gear!

Buy your books online before your classes begin.  If you use your financial aid to purchase books you must wait until the first day of classes. Visit the online Bookstore.

Know Where You’re Going

Your class locations are listed on your class schedule.

Helpful links:

OCC Speak

Class schedule – Includes the course’s name, section, location, hours & instructor.