Leadership & Team

Working closely with the College President, this team is committed to delivering comprehensive services and implementing strategic initiatives that align with our core values of student-centeredness, accessibility, innovation, collaboration, courage, and trustworthiness. 

Through our unwavering focus on these principles, we strive to empower students, optimize enrollment, enhance organizational effectiveness, and build strong partnerships within our community.

Pamela MonacoPresident732-255-0330president@ocean.edu
Sara WinchesterExecutive Vice President, Finance and Administration732-255-0400, ext. 2062swinchester@ocean.edu
Eileen GarciaVice President, Academic Affairs732-255-0400, ext. 3855egarcia@ocean.edu
Joseph KonopkaVice President, Vice President of Workforce and Strategic Partnerships732-255-0400, ext. 2264jkonopka@ocean.edu
Gerald RacioppiVice President, Student Affairs732-255-0400, ext. 2038gracioppi@ocean.edu
Alexa Beshara-BlauthExecutive Director, Institutional Planning732-255-0400, ext. 2461abeshara@ocean.edu
Jan KirstenExecutive Director, College Relations732-255-0400, ext. 2071jkirsten@ocean.edu
Kenneth MalagiereExecutive Director, OCC Foundation732-255-0400, ext. 2534kmalagiere@ocean.edu
Connie BelloAssistant to the President, Secretary to the Board of Trustees732-255-0400, ext. 2079cbello@ocean.edu
Jodi HeitmannSpecial Assistant, Operations732-255-0400, ext. 2030jheitmann@ocean.edu
Dorothy LaPosaPresident’s Liaison732-255-0400, ext. 2077dlaposa@ocean.edu