Once a Viking, Always a Viking

Aiza in Five Words:
Compassionate, Spontaneous, Adaptable, Courageous, Ambitious
“I have really enjoyed becoming a part of my campus community. From my first semester, it was always my desire to get involved, but that truly was the most challenging task for me. I wanted to get involved with clubs and organizations with mission statements aligned with my goals. That is when I stumbled upon Phi Theta Kappa (PTK). I remember reading over the four hallmarks – Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship – and I thought, ‘Wow, this is it.’ That is how my journey began.”
“There are really no words to completely describe how (being selected as a PTK Coca-Cola Gold Scholar) makes me feel, but happy, lighthearted, joyous, successful, and proud are some. When I was first chosen for the All USA Academic Team, it was the night of the PTK induction ceremony and I was delighted beyond words. It was later that night when I did a bit more research that I became nervous – nervous because I truly did not think I would win any awards at the international level, especially not if thousands of individuals were competing against me. When I received the email stating that I was indeed a Gold Scholar recipient I thought, ‘Wow, I need to have more faith in myself.’ This award is a representation of my hard work and dedication to being a servant leader. I will always remember this recognition, and I will use it to remind myself that I can do anything I set my mind to.”
“Before I was elected President of Tau Iota in December 2017, I was the Vice President of Leadership. Some of the events I supervised were those in relation to our College Project (Helping Hands Food Pantry) and the Honors In Action project, which focused on climate change. Some external activities I oversaw were gift wrapping with Student Support Services, the 4th Annual Festival of Trees, our Valentine’s Day Rose Sale, and much more.”
“I have learned that in order to lead a group of individuals, it is imperative to treat every individual the same. I have also learned that being a president means nothing because it’s just a title. It’s what you do as a president, how you work together with your team, and the goals that you set, that matter. Anyone can lead, but it takes a true leader to make a difference.”
“This semester was definitely very stressful as I was not just an average President, but I was the leader of an International Five-Star Chapter, a chapter which had numerous deadlines to complete. Undergoing this stress, I realized that if I did not endure any hardships, then my accomplishments wouldn’t feel as great as they do today. My most valuable takeaway: Be a servant leader. Be an advocate for yourself. Be a changemaker. I have learned to open my heart for everyone, my enemies and my friends. I have learned the power of doing service, even if it means making sacrifices in my daily life. But most importantly, I have learned that you get what you deserve.”
Hard Worker
“Within these past two years I worked in many departments at OCC. I worked at the Bookstore, I was a tutor in the English Department, and currently I am an Orientation Leader in addition to an Admissions Ambassador.”
Admissions Ambassador
“The Admissions Office is what I call my OCC family. The individuals in this department have been my biggest supporters throughout all of my endeavors and they have always encouraged me when things have gotten tough. I started working in this department spring semester 2017 and every time I think of leaving these individuals, I want to cry. While every person in this department has changed my life, two specific people deserve shout outs: Joy Press and John Sellino. Thank you, Joy Press, for always listening to my drama and for always making me laugh. Thank you, John Sellino, for always giving me the opportunity of putting my needs first. Every time I received good news, these two individuals would be the first ones I would tell. Every time I came across a hurdle, I was never afraid to come to anyone in the department for help – AJ Trump, Nadine, Chrissy, Kariss, and my fellow ambassadors – because I always knew they would assist me. Thank you to this selfless and amazing department for being my safe haven. I could never repay any of you for making me who I am today.”
“After OCC, I plan on attending Rutgers University, specifically the Edward Bloustein School of Planning and Policy. I would like to earn my bachelor’s degree in Public Health with a concentration in Mathematics.”
“In my free time I love to read and write in my journal, and spend time with my family (movie nights). I love planning out parties and I am currently in the process of planning my sister’s engagement party!”
“It was a month before the fall semester of 2016 when I decided that I wanted to wear my
hijab. For the people who really know me, they know how tough of a decision this was for me, particularly because I absolutely loved styling my hair. However, this was a sacrifice that I wanted to make because of one reason and one reason alone. I wanted to show the world the true side of Islam, the side that tells you to be peaceful and to help those around you. I wanted to be a representation of my religion and what it stands for. Today, the President of PTK is a Muslim girl, a girl who leads a group of individuals to eliminate food insecurity on campus. Today, the girl who won the Gold Scholar award on an international level is a Muslim. Today, the girl who worked so hard to bring a positive light to her campus is a Muslim girl.”
“There used to be a time in my first semester of OCC when people would give me dirty looks or ignore the smile I sent their way. However, today, no matter where I am at OCC, I have vice presidents, deans, faculty members, workers, and students smiling my way, starting up a conversation with me and congratulating me for my successes. I can guarantee that one individual from the hundreds that I know today had a negative opinion about Muslims. But I made them alter that opinion and nothing makes me happier.”