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Early College

For New Egypt High School Students

2024 Fall Courses at New Egypt HS!

Course Section HS Course Name Course Name Instructor Term Prerequisite
ENGL-151 NE1 OCC English I English I Samuel Palumbo FAE
ENGL-152 NE1 OCC English II English II Samuel Palumbo FAE
PSYC-172 NE1 OCC General Psychology General Psychology Thomas Corby FAE
MATH-156 NE1 OCC Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics Juliet Pender FAE
MATH-265 NE1 OCC Calculus I Calculus I Thomas Picone FAE MATH-192, 195 OR HS PreCalc complete B or better – GPA 3.00 or better
BIOL-161 NE1 OCC Biology General Biology I Gabrielle Fox FAE
CRIM-150 OCC Criminal Justice The Criminal Justice System Kayla Drake FAE
Course Descriptions

Once you have completed your self-registration on Ocean Connect, your parent/guardian is required to complete the Parental Consent Form. This form is required for all high school students to secure their OCC courses.


Contact us at 732-255-0400 x534 or

For more information, please visit the Early College For High School Students page.

Need to Know

  • Deadlines

    2024FAE/YI Registration: Oct. 1

    Early College Foundation Grant: Oct. 1

  • Add/Drop Period 
    Drop course(s) prior to 10/14/24:
    100% refund/ do not owe tuition for course
    *Must drop course on Ocean Connect or email
    Refund Policy
  • Costs & Textbooks

    • $114.00 per credit (*plus any applicable course fees)
    • Textbooks are included at no additional cost
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