Your Classroom is Wherever You Want It to Be
Are you a student from another college or university? Register for OCC’s summer courses and get one step closer to your degree — and save money.
- Affordable
- OCC’s tuition is much less expensive than a four-year college or university.
- All New Jersey residents pay our in-county rate for online courses.
- Tuition includes textbooks, tutoring, and most fees.
- Convenient
- You can apply and register for math and science courses on the same day.
- Complete your associate degree 100% online.
- Online courses are asynchronous, which means you are never required to come to campus or to be “online” during a specific day or time.
- HyFlex allows you to attend class in person or join the live class remotely.
- Fast
- Our courses are designed to be completed at a comfortable pace in 7.5 weeks.
- Broadly transferable
- Most four-year colleges and universities accept our credits.
- Ocean’s online science courses include a true hands-on lab experience through kits delivered to students’ homes.
- Supportive
- Online career services, tutoring, counseling, and library assistance.
- 24/7 technical support for all online courses.
Online Courses
Course Number | Course Title |
BIOL-114 | Prin Biological Sci |
BIOL-130 | Human Anat/Phys I |
BIOL-131 | Human Anat/Phys II |
BIOL-161 | General Biology I |
BIOL-162 | General Biology II |
BIOL-232 | Microbiology |
BIOL-261 | Ecology |
CHEM-180 | Intro Chemistry |
CHEM-181 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM-182 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM-283 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHEM-284 | Organic Chemistry II |
ENVI-152 | Environmental Science |
PHYS-171 | Physics I |
PHYS-172 | Physics II |
PHYS-180 | Intro Astronomy |
PHYS-281 | General Physics I |
PHYS-282 | General Physics II |
PHYS-283 | General Physics III |

Learn More

“I had a great experience with all my online classes. OCC is a great place to learn and to further your knowledge. OCC got me ready for life after college.”
– Michael Santos, OCC Class of 2017
How to Get Started As a Visiting Student
How to Get Started As a Visiting Student
- Complete an Application for Admission online.
- When asked to indicate your anticipated Enrollment Status, choose Visiting Student (currently attending another College/University) or Non-Degree.
Visiting Student Registration Instructions
- Visiting Students must prove that they are current, valid students. Please use your school-issued e-mail account to send a copy of your unofficial transcript to
- Once you are informed you have access to register online, you will use your OCC issued Ocean Connect account to register for classes.
Lab Kits
Ocean’s online science courses include a true hands-on lab experience. Not all labs are included as part of the First Day Material. Students may have to purchase a kit that will be delivered to students’ homes. The labs are similar if not identical to those performed in face-to-face classes. This
Are you looking for in-person interaction but need flexibility? Try our HyFlex courses!
HyFlex courses offer you two ways to learn:
- Join in person: Attend class in the traditional classroom setting.
- Learn online live: Participate in class sessions online at the same time they happen in person.
You can choose how you participate in each HyFlex class session. If HyFlex sounds like a good fit for you, select “HyFlex” when choosing your course modality on the Course Schedule page.