Campus photo of the Ocean County College arch with flowering trees in spring

Social Work, Online

Social Work, A.S. | e-Learning

Online Educational Plan – 7.5 Week Sessions

Course Offerings

Accelerated (L1, L3, L5)

key icon ENGL151English I3 cr
key icon SOWK101Introduction to Social Work3 cr
key icon STC150Student Success Seminar2 cr

Accelerated (L2, L4, L6)

key icon ENGL152English II3 cr
key icon PSYC172General Psychology3 cr

Accelerated (L1, L3, L5)

divide icon MATH156Introduction to Statistics3 cr
Elective icon COMM154Fundamentals of Public Speaking3 cr

Accelerated (L2, L4, L6)

Computer icon
Integrated Office Software3 cr
key icon SOCI181Introduction to Sociology3 cr

Accelerated (L1, L3, L5)

Elective icon ARTS181Art From Prehistory to Middle Ages3 cr
science icon BIOL114Forensic Science3 cr

Accelerated (L2, L4, L6)

medal icon POLI183Introduction to Political Science3 cr
key icon SOCI282Sociology of the Family3 cr

Accelerated (L1, L3, L5)

key icon PHIL190Introduction to Critical Thinking3 cr
Elective icon SPAN151Elementary Spanish I3 cr
medal icon SOCI238Race and Ethnicity3 cr

Accelerated (L2, L4, L6)

key icon SOWK194Interviewing & Communication3 cr
medal icon PSYC278Life Span Development3 cr

Accelerated (L1, L3, L5)

key icon SWOK202Social Work Seminar3 cr
medal icon PSYC271Abnormal Psychology3 cr

Course Key

key icon Program Requirement

divide icon GMAT (GE Mathematics)

Elective icon Elective

Computer icon GTEC (GE Technological Competency or Information Literacy)

science icon GSCL (GE Lab Science)

medal icon Program Elective


Please refer to the OCC catalog for program and General Education elective requirements. The General Education (GE) courses in this plan are recommendations only. Please discuss your program and course choices with an academic advisor,

Social Work, A.S.

60 credits