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Online Programs
You can earn an associate degree entirely online in less than two years through our educational plans! Our plans allow students to quickly complete their degrees by taking courses that are offered in 7.5 weeks to fast-track their educational goals. The plans are recommendations only to assist you in your pursuit of a degree. A student also has the option to complete course requirements in a 15-week traditional format or a 10-week quick term. Discuss your program and course goals with an academic advisor. Online course offerings may vary.
* Indicates that a 7.5-week Educational Plan is available for that program.

Our General Studies and Liberal Arts programs have a variety of options for students to complete their academic plans. Following the requirements listed in the catalog, you have the option to customize your course selection based on your interests.
Looking for a Certificate?

Online Certificates
Our certificates will allow you to develop specific skills and knowledge to take the next steps in your career.
Online Courses
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Academic Area |
ARTS-181 | Art-Prehistory to Middle Ages | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ARTS-182 | Art-Renaissance to Modern Wrld | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
COMM-110 | Intro to Communications | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
COMM-151 | Media Writing I | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
COMM-152 | Media Writing II | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
COMM-154 | Fund of Public Speaking | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
COMM-172 | Communication Law | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
COMM-202 | Intercultural Communication | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-098 | Writing Skills Development | 1 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-142 | The History and Grammar of English | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-151 | English I | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-152 | English II | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-153 | Creative Writing | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-251 | American Lit Through Civil War | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-255 | World Literature Ancient-1600 | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-256 | World Literature 1600-Present | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-257 | The Short Story | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ENGL-260 | Shakespeare Plays I | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ESOL-096 | English to Speakers of Other Languages | 4 | Arts & Humanities |
FILM-190 | World Cinema | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
GRPH-151 | Digital Imagery | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HIST-171 | Western Civil to 1650 | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HIST-172 | Western Civil from 1650 | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HIST-173 | US History to 1877 | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HIST-174 | US History from 1877 | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HIST-175 | New Jersey History | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HIST-181 | World Civilization I | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HIST-182 | World Civilization from 1660 | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
HUMN-200 | Modernism & the Arts | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
INFO-110 | Library Research Skills and Information Literacy | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
ITAL-100 | Elementary Italian I | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
MUSC-190 | Intro Music Appreciation | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
PHIL-190 | Intro Critical Think | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
PHIL-191 | Intro Philosophy | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
PHIL-192 | Ethical Issues | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
RELG-193 | World Religions | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
SPAN-151 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
SPAN-152 | Elementary Spanish II | 3 | Arts & Humanities |
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Academic Area |
ACCT-121 | Fundamentals of Accounting | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ACCT-161 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ACCT-162 | Principles of Accounting II | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ACCT-271 | Forensic Accounting | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ACCT-273 | Legal Aspects of Financial Fraud | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ACCT-275 | Fraud Examination | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ACCT-277 | Digital Forensic Analysis | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ANTH-133 | Introduction to Anthropology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ANTH-134 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-115 | Intro to Supply Chain Management | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-131 | Intro Business Administration | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-134 | Principles of Marketing | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-151 | Human Resource Management | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-163 | Transportation Systems | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-170 | Small Business Management | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-210 | Business Communications | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-220 | Career Management | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-249 | Operations Management | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-251 | Business Law I | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-252 | Business Law II | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-271 | Principles of Management | 3 | Business & Social Science |
BUSN-275 | Principles of Finance | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-150 | Criminal Justice System | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-151 | Police Org & Admin | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-152 | Intro Law Enforcement | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-155 | Intro to Corrections | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-237 | Juvenile Justice | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-254 | Const Law & Rules | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-255 | Criminal Law & Procedures | 3 | Business & Social Science |
CRIM-281 | Criminal Investigation Theory | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ECON-151 | Macroeconomic Princ | 3 | Business & Social Science |
ECON-152 | Microeconomics Prin | 3 | Business & Social Science |
EDUC-178 | Introduction to the Education of Exceptional Students | 3 | Business & Social Science |
FRSC-105 | Forensic Science | 4 | Business & Social Science |
GEOG-161 | World Phy Geography | 3 | Business & Social Science |
GEOG-162 | Human Geography | 3 | Business & Social Science |
HEHP-183 | Intro to Health Administration | 3 | Business & Social Science |
HEHP-186 | Principles of Coaching | 3 | Business & Social Science |
HEHP-188 | Intro to Nutrition | 3 | Business & Social Science |
HEHP-225 | Contemporary Health | 3 | Business & Social Science |
HEHP-227 | Intro to Public Health | 3 | Business & Social Science |
HEHP-237 | Sports Officiating | 3 | Business & Social Science |
HRTM-110 | Introduction to Hospitality, Recreation And Tourism Management | 3 | Business & Social Science |
LAAW-101 | Intro Law/Legal Asst. | 3 | Business & Social Science |
POLI-101 | Global Issues | 3 | Business & Social Science |
POLI-161 | American Federal Government | 3 | Business & Social Science |
POLI-162 | Amer Stat/Local Govt | 3 | Business & Social Science |
POLI-183 | Intro Political Sci | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-172 | General Psychology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-173 | Child Psychology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-174 | Personality Theory | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-175 | Cross-Cultural Psychology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-271 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-273 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-274 | Social Psychology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-275 | Educational Psychology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
PSYC-278 | Life Span Development | 3 | Business & Social Science |
SOCI-181 | Intro Sociology | 3 | Business & Social Science |
SOCI-230 | Women in Society | 3 | Business & Social Science |
SOCI-231 | Social Problems | 3 | Business & Social Science |
SOCI-238 | Race & Ethnicity | 3 | Business & Social Science |
SOCI-282 | Sociology of Family | 3 | Business & Social Science |
SOWK-101 | Introduction to Social Work | 3 | Business & Social Science |
SOWK-194 | Interviewing and Communication Techniques | 3 | Business & Social Science |
STSC-150 | Student Success Seminar | 2 | Business & Social Science |
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Academic Area |
AHMT-110 | Medical Terminology | 3 | Nursing |
Course Number | Course Title | Credits | Academic Area |
BIOL-114 | Prin Biological Sci | 4 | STEM |
BIOL-130 | Human Anat/Phys I | 4 | STEM |
BIOL-131 | Human Anat/Phys II | 4 | STEM |
BIOL-161 | General Biology I | 4 | STEM |
BIOL-162 | General Biology II | 4 | STEM |
BIOL-232 | Microbiology | 4 | STEM |
BIOL-261 | Ecology | 4 | STEM |
CHEM-180 | Intro Chemistry | 4 | STEM |
CHEM-181 | General Chemistry I | 4 | STEM |
CHEM-182 | General Chemistry II | 4 | STEM |
CHEM-283 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 | STEM |
CHEM-284 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 | STEM |
CSIT-110 | Intro to Computers | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-123 | Intg Office Software | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-144 | Intro to Operating System Using Unix | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-165 | Programming I | 4 | STEM |
CSIT-166 | Programming II | 4 | STEM |
CSIT-168 | Programming in Python | 2 | STEM |
CSIT-176 | Computer Organization & Architecture | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-185 | Networking I | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-186 | Networking II | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-191 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-192 | Introduction to Machine Learning | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-200 | Information Security Fundamentals | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-212 | Systems Analysis | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-213 | Database Management | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-240 | Ethical Hacking: Hacker Techniques and Tools | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-241 | Cybersecurity Legal and Regulatory Overview | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-265 | Data Structures and Analysis | 4 | STEM |
CSIT-277 | Introduction to Cloud Computing | 4 | STEM |
CSIT-291 | Computer Vision | 3 | STEM |
CSIT-292 | Natural Language Processing | 3 | STEM |
ENGR-221 | Engineering Statics | 3 | STEM |
ENGR-222 | Engineering Dynamics | 3 | STEM |
ENVI-152 | Environmental Science | 4 | STEM |
MATH-023 | Algebra Basics | 4 | STEM |
MATH-151 | A Survey of Mathematics | 3 | STEM |
MATH-156 | Intro Statistics | 3 | STEM |
MATH-166 | Topics in Algebra | 4 | STEM |
MATH-191 | Precalculus I | 3 | STEM |
MATH-192 | Precalculus II | 3 | STEM |
MATH-195 | Precalculus (accelerated) | 6 | STEM |
MATH-265 | Calculus I | 4 | STEM |
MATH-266 | Calculus II | 4 | STEM |
MATH-267 | Calculus III | 4 | STEM |
MATH-270 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 | STEM |
PHYS-171 | Physics I | 4 | STEM |
PHYS-172 | Physics II | 4 | STEM |
PHYS-180 | Intro Astronomy | 4 | STEM |
PHYS-281 | General Physics I | 4 | STEM |
PHYS-282 | General Physics II | 4 | STEM |
PHYS-283 | General Physics III | 4 | STEM |
Communication (GCOM)
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
COMM 154 | Fundamentals of Public Speaking | 3 |
ENGL 151 | English I | 3 |
ENGL 152 | English II | 3 |
Diversity (GDIV)
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
ANTH 133 | Introduction to Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 134 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
COMM 202 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
ENGL 255 | World Literature Ancient through 1600 | 3 |
ENGL 256 | World Literature 1600 to Present | 3 |
FILM 190 | World Cinema | 3 |
GEOG 162 | Human Geography | 3 |
HIST 181 | World Civilization to 1660 | 3 |
HIST 182 | World Civilization From 1660 | 3 |
POLI 101 | Global Issues | 3 |
PSYC 175 | Cross-Cultural Psychology | 3 |
SOCI 230 | Women in Society | 3 |
SOCI 231 | Social Problems | 3 |
SOCI 238 | Race and Ethnicity | 3 |
History (GHIS)
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
HIST 171 | Western Civilization to 1650 | 3 |
HIST 172 | Western Civilization from 1650 | 3 |
HIST 173 | United States History to 1877 | 3 |
HIST 174 | United States History from 1877 | 3 |
HIST 181 | World Civilization to 1660 | 3 |
HIST 182 | World Civilization From 1660 | 3 |
Humanities (GHUM)
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
ARTS 181 | Art From Prehistory to Middle Ages | 3 |
ARTS 182 | Art From Renaissance to Modern World | 3 |
ENGL 251 | American Literature Through the Civil War | 3 |
ENGL 255 | World Literature Ancient through 1600 | 3 |
ENGL 256 | World Literature 1600 to Present | 3 |
ENGL 257 | The Short Story | 3 |
ENGL 260 | The Shakespeare Plays I | 3 |
FILM 190 | World Cinema | 3 |
HIST 171 | Western Civilization to 1650 | 3 |
HIST 172 | Western Civilization from 1650 | 3 |
HIST 173 | United States History to 1877 | 3 |
HIST 174 | United States History from 1877 | 3 |
HIST 181 | World Civilization to 1660 | 3 |
HIST 182 | World Civilization From 1660 | 3 |
HUMN 200 | Modernism and the Arts | 3 |
ITAL 100 | Elementary Italian I | 3 |
MUSC 190 | Introduction to Music Appreciation | 3 |
PHIL 190 | Introduction to Critical Thinking | 3 |
PHIL 191 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHIL 192 | Contemporary Ethical Issues | 3 |
RELG 193 | World Religions | 3 |
SPAN 151 | Elementary Spanish I | 3 |
SPAN 152 | Elementary Spanish II | 3 |
Mathematics (GMAT)
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
MATH 151 | A Survey of Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 156 | Introduction to Statistics | 3 |
MATH-166 | Topics in Algebra | 4 |
MATH 191 | Precalculus I | 3 |
MATH 192 | Precalculus II | 3 |
MATH 195 | Precalculus (Accelerated) | 6 |
MATH 265 | Calculus I | 4 |
MATH 266 | Calculus II | 4 |
MATH 267 | Calculus III | 4 |
MATH 270 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 |
Lab Science (GSCL)
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
BIOL 114 | Principles of Biological Science | 4 |
BIOL 130 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | 4 |
BIOL 131 | Human Anatomy & Physiology II | 4 |
BIOL 161 | General Biology I | 4 |
BIOL 162 | General Biology II | 4 |
BIOL 232 | Microbiology | 4 |
BIOL 261 | Ecology | 4 |
CHEM 180 | Introductory Chemistry | 4 |
CHEM 181 | General Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 182 | General Chemistry II | 4 |
CHEM 283 | Organic Chemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 284 | Organic Chemistry II | 4 |
ENVI 152 | Environmental Sci | 4 |
FRSC-105 | Forensic Science | 4 |
PHYS 171 | Physics I | 4 |
PHYS 172 | Physics II | 4 |
PHYS 180 | Introduction to Astronomy | 4 |
PHYS 281 | General Physics I | 4 |
PHYS 282 | General Physics II | 4 |
PHYS 283 | General Physics III | 4 |
Social Science (GSOC)
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
ANTH 133 | Introduction to Anthropology | 3 |
ANTH 134 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ECON 151 | Macroeconomic Principles | 3 |
ECON 152 | Microeconomics Principles | 3 |
GEOG 161 | World Physical Geography | 3 |
GEOG 162 | Human Geography | 3 |
POLI 161 | American Federal Government | 3 |
POLI 162 | American State and Local Government | 3 |
POLI 183 | Introduction to Political Science | 3 |
PSYC 172 | General Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 173 | Child Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 273 | Adolescent Psychology | 3 |
PSYC 278 | Life Span Development | 3 |
SOCI 181 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 |
SOCI 231 | Social Problems | 3 |